Aug 5, 2011

Latest issue is now available; A Giveaway

Summer issue of Creating Vintage Charm is now 
available at MagCloud

Make sure to get a copy of the latest issue. Click on magazine image to be directed

With the release of the latest issue, I am offering a free copy of Romantic Prairie Style, beautiful inspiring homes by Fifi O'Neill.

Win this copy by 
~Leaving a comment to this post, ALONG with your email address. I insist on this one =)

For a second chance to win, 
~ Post a button (Giveaway Image above) for this giveaway on your blog sidebar, then come back and leave a comment 

For an even better chance,
~ Make a blog post about this giveaway, and leave me another comment here. 

A winner will be drawn on the 25Th of August.


Anonymous said...

would love to

Joanne said...

Hi Sonia!

I never miss an issue of this beautiful magazine! I've been around since day one!!

JoAnne said...

Such a lovely magazine Sonia! Posting your giveaway on my blog right now.

Deborah said...

Love this magazine, am a convert! would love to win this great book, please count me in :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Caroline said...

I've seen this book all over blogland and would love to enter your contest to win one!
mamakas33 at hotmail dot com

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

How cute is this...that's just my style, too :) :)

Plus, I'm loving the front cover of the new issue of Creating Vintage Charm. All the blues are just gorgeous. Reminds me of the ocean :) :)

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather

Caroline said...

I'm going to add your button to my sidebar right now!

lindacreates said...

Enjoyed my last copy.

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh how gorgeous and I'd love to win!!!


Blessed Serendipity said...

Looks like a gorgeous magazine. I would love to enter your giveaway for Fifi's book as it has been on my wish list for quite awhile now.


Lady Pamela said...

Just finished placing my order for the Summer Issue. I would love a chance to win Fifi's book. What a thrill that would be. Thanks for the opportunity.


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I'm thrilled the new issue is available, Sonia! I just ordered it! The giveaway is a bonus!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I posted the giveaway on my blog sidebar!

Autumn said...

Oh Please pick me!!!!! :)

Looks just yummy!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh sweet goodness!! Doing all three!! Can't wait to get the summer edition - looks gorgeous!!
xxoo Heidi

Unknown said...

Squirrel!! my email address is ;D

ShabbyESP said...

Please enter me I would love to win a copy
Thank you!!
Suzann ~xoxo~

Sherry Hicks said...

I love the cover of your new Release of Creating Vintage Charm! I just ordered one and would also love to be entered in the giveaway for Fifi's book.

Sherry Hicks

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
rosesandt at yahoo dot com

jacirascrap said...

Uau! Estou aqui para minha primeira chance!!!

jacirascrap said...

Lá está a segunda chance, com o post na barra lateral!!

suzeeez said...

Please include me in this beautiful book give-away !

Thank You ! Sue

suzeeez said...

I'm also posting your give away on my side bar ! :o) Sue

Neederbug said...

Hi Sonia,

Can't wait to see your Summer Issue. Just ordered it!

Would love to win a copy of Fifi's book. I am looking forward to reading her interview in your summer issue.

Hugz 2 U, Penny

Creative Grammie said...

Aloha Sonia,
I'm headed to Magcloud to order my copy of your magazine right now.
I would sure like to win; thanks for the chance.

Creative Grammie said...

Hi again, oops I forgot to leave you my email addy:

Linda said...

I would love to win a copy!

Best Wishes,

Olivia said...

Posting this on my blog my email is
Whoo Hoo!
Love your giveaway!

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

So glad to have found you on facebook! I will be posting on my blog about the giveaway for sure! I would love to win!

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

Just did a blog post about the giveaway! Here's the link

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

Posted a button on the sidebar on my blog♥

Linda A. Young said...

I would love to win this wonderful issue! This magazine looks great! I love vintage things, and I need inspiration to decorate my new home!Thank you so much! Linda @

June said...

Awesome giveaway dear Jo-Anne. I would love the chance to win a copy of FIFI's book.
hugs from here...

June said...

Sorry Sonia, I called you joanne.

QueenBe said...

Outstanding giveaway! I would love a chance to win! Carol

detektive said...

Your collection is very new and best for modern homes. It seems vintage looks, it looks marvelous with numerous stuffs. It is very beautiful arrangement of each and every stuffs.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would be SO thrilled to win! I love beautiful books and magazines and I came over from Ozma of Odds blog! Thanks! ♥
lavenderdreamstoo at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

A wonderful group of ladies turned me onto your publication and gave me my first copy, I fear I'm hooked ;) Just ordered the Marie issue.

Would love a chance to win this fabulous giveaway. Thanks so much for offering it.


Unknown said...

I just posted your lovely giveaway button on the sidebar of my blog.

BumbleBeeLane said...

Wanted this book so badly! Count me in.Warm Blessings!~Amy

La said...

I'm so excited the new issue is available! I would love to win your giveaway.

La said...

I'm adding your giveaway to my sidebar.

Lily's Lace said...

Oh I hope I win! I'm stuck inside like a little kid this heat has been so bad! And I'm going bonkers!!!!!
H-for the hotter than hell heat we're having
E-exceptional creativity in every issue
L-Living a pretty life full of summer gatherings
P-Please! I need a creative boost!!
I love your blog, it looks so pretty! I hope I win!!!Oh come see me I have a give away too, AND it's magazine!!

Unknown said...

So looking forward to this latest issue....Love your magazine! Would be fun to win too! Kim Q

Tina Lewis said...

Love Vintage Charm!!1

Unknown said...

You are probably sick of me saying the same thing everytime,but I really do loooove your magazine. And I am a fan of Fifi ONiel. Whenever I go to buy a magazine I search to see if she has a new mag out. So please count me in this awesome giveaway! I am off to post it on my blog.
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia,
Leave it to me to forget to give you my e-mail
Thanks again for offering a great giveaway.

Barbara Jean said...

would love to win this magazine!
blessings and thanks
barbara jean

Cheryl said...

I thoroughly love your magazine and looke forward to each and every inspiring issue!! It would certainly be fun to win one....but if I don't I'll be sure to purchase it anyway!!! ;0

Cheryl said...

ooopss!! forgot to leave my email address....

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win Fifi's gorgeous book! ~ Please do enter me for a chance to win!! :)

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

I have your giveaway button on my sidebar ~ my email is:

Living in the Moment said...

I would love to win - Love everything about this site and your magazine - My email address is

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Ohhh! I would love to win this great giveaway!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I just posted your giveaway button to my sidebar!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Anonymous said...

Love your magazine, I love all the different ideas and themes. Keep'em coming.

Cheryl said...

HI Sonia,
I mentioned your giveaway on my blog and posted a button on my sidebar about your new summer issue!! Which by the way, I just ordered and can not wait to see!!!
Thank you again!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet of you to offer this book for a give away Sonia! I love Fifi, she's such a sweetheart! I would love to win...Marcia

Deborah Hince said...

Wonderful giveaway, Sonia! I would so love this book, she is amazing! Thanks for the opportunity to enter in the giveaway!
My email is

Amore Artisan Boutique said...

Wow I so love this giveaway! I am such a Sassy Shabby Farm Chic! Would love to win! Off to add you to my blog and blog a post about your giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win
Hugs sassy

Anonymous said...

I'm so into vitage right now I vibrate when I see stuff like your magazine - happy to have come across you on facebook somehow today...
jgabriel at shaw dot com

Cindy said...

Squeeeee!!! I'm so excited about this giveaway! I just joined the Creating Vintage Charm group on Facebook too! I would just love to win this giveaway.

Hugs XX

Cindy said...

I also just posted your button to my sidebar on my blog. Plus I became a follower of your blog.

Hugs XX

Margo said...

There are so many people, some are on this list of comments, who work hard every day and provide beautiful cottage boutiques and shops using their talents. Their sharing has brought so very much joy to my life, I pray one of my creative friends/boutique members wins. Thank you for bringing beauty and joy to many lives.

sandy said...

Oooo! I'd love to win! Please enter me!

sandy said...

I forgot to leave my e-mail address:

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

A gorgeous new issue AND a chance to win Fifi's fabulous book? Be still my heart? What more could a girlie want? Love it!! ~Leena~

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I added your button to my blog,! ~Leena~

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

I wrote a post on my blog about your new issue and give away! ~Leena~

Jennifer Colvin-Allen said...

Would love to win ;) cover colors are amazing!

maid marian said...

I would love to win this giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Camille CS Pratt said...

Oh, I would simply adore and be so blessed to be able to be gifted with a free copy of Romantic Prairie Style, beautiful inspiring homes by Fifi O'Neill!

Ever hopeful,

(thank you so very much! All digits crossed)

mo said...

What a dreamy magazine!

Just beautiful.



Terri Gordon said...

Hi Sonia, I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I would love to win. Congratulations on your new magazine, it looks beautiful. Hugs, Terri

Bobbi Ann said...

Hi Sonia, I hope this finds you well. I want to first say Congrats to you on your magazine! You must be very proud!
Then if you would be so kind to enter me in your Giveaway I would be most appreciative! I would absolutely be in static to win! Thank you so much fir this wonderful opportunity. I hope that you have a lovely rest of your day!
Hugs and many blessings...
Bobbi Ann

lindacreates said...

Your magazine is so beautiful. Congratulations on such a success.

Stacey Merriman said...

Three chances to win! Amazing! Thanks to FiFi for telling us about this giveaway and the article in your magazine! It looks so lovely.

Thanks!! xx

Stacey Merriman said...

I have posted my giveaway button!

Stacey Merriman said...

A blog post about your Giveaway can be found here. Crossing my fingers!

Glynis said...

Hi Sonia, I've visited you via Chez Fifi - such a lovely giveaway - it would be delightful to win!

Vintage Girl said...

Would love to win this xx

Irene said...

I have seen images of the book in blogs and would love to read it.

Irene said...

Oh and I posted the giveaway button on top of my sidebar.
Here is my e-mail in case you miss it on my blog

erleichda said...

this is a fantastic giveaway! thanks for the opportunity...oh! i really hope i win : )

erleichda said...

your giveaway button is now posted on my blog!

erleichda said...

i hope it counts to tweet about it! i just did ; )

rozetta said...

I don't have a blog, but I love the opportunity to win this book!


Jeanine said...

I would LOVE to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the offering!

JaneT said...

Congratulations on the big publish. This magazine looks nice. Thanks.

jane1 at cp-tel dot net

savvycityfarmer said...

what a faulous giveaway ... I have the book because I'm IN the book ... hehe
so humbled and honored.

loved networking on Fb with you ...

Something Special said...

This is a beautiful magazine, and looks like it is loaded with wonderful ideas. please enter me in the drawing.

Kim Gillian said...

Please enter me in the drawing!!

Anonymous said...

Please include me for a chance to win Romantic Prairie Style!

Laura S Reading said...

Sneaking in under the wire, I would love for you to add my name to the drawing.

wis mom works (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Would LOVE this book!! It's very me!! :D <3

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Forgot to put my email address!

Becca said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway!

sandy said...

Would love to win!!! Great blog!


Becky Wierzbicki said...

I never win anything and would love this copy...I am broke like a joke right now. Please, please let me win it...Hugs, Becky Wierzbicki

beth cole barrineau said...

Looks like a gorgeous magazine to win and your latest magazine was fabulous!!! Thanks for including us Sonia! <3

Tattered-Roses said...

Hi Sonia, Got my mag in the mail today! Love it! Want more! Thanks for putting together a wonderful Magazine of beautiful people making beautiful things!

Karen Felming

Smiley and Sunshine said...

Thanks Sonia for another beautiful mag. I would love to win one for a gift to a friend. Will mention one my facebook business page and blog.

Smiley and Sunshine said...

Sonia I have been showing of your beautiful mags on my market stall. Would it be ok to print out a flyer to show people where to order? vintagechicdelights at gmail dot com

Voondi~ Cher said...

Hi Sonia, Voondi's Cher would love to win...what a treat it would be!
Cheryl O'Donnell/Voondi

office first aid kits said...

Probably you sharing same thing in each blog. but I really like to read your magazine. And also I am very big fan of it, Whenever I go to buy a magazine I searching for a new idea.

aimee said...

what a great giveaway! such a beautiful magazine. i would love a chance to win it!

Amber Lyon Ferguson said...
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Amber Lyon Ferguson said...
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Amber Lyon Ferguson said...
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Amber Lyon Ferguson said...

Hello there! Love everything about his blog, magazine, and contest! I would love to have my shabby decorating to be featured in a future issue!

Amber @junkaholicunanimous.blogspot

gift ideas said...

The cover of your new Release of Creating Vintage Charm is interesting, I just ordered one and hope it will be on hand on next week end.

Debt Collection said...

This all interior designs items are look so beautiful.This designs are vintage charming and get traditional look.I really like this design for the home decorations.