Jan 13, 2014

Timeless Beauty

Aged to perfection...

No matter the stage in a roses life... It still remains beautiful.

Each petal turns into a paper-like creation, painted in bold colors.

And such is the fragrance of lavender that never fades.

Nature is the gift that keeps on giving.
Enjoy it!

Have a wonderful week everyone! xo
Sonia Crouse


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Just gorgeous Sonia!
I had success drying my white birthday roses as well as a bouquet of orange and red ones!

Rachel and Pia's Cottage said...

I have several tins and boxes full of old roses. :o) Lovely photos and verse.

The Old Parsonage said...

Simply beautiful. I love all stages of roses, their aging is perfection.

Enjoy your night.

debi said...

Sonia, your roses are gorgeous, as are your photos! Thanks for sharing.